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(144'762) - Car Touche, Genève - Leyland (ex Londonbus) am 27.

(ID 397137)

(144'762) - Car Touche, Genève - Leyland (ex Londonbus) am 27. Mai 2013 beim Bahnhof Genève

(144'762) - Car Touche, Genève - Leyland (ex Londonbus) am 27. Mai 2013 beim Bahnhof Genève

Markus Doyon 07.01.2015, 168 Aufrufe, 1 Kommentar

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Mark Dolan 28.03.2021 22:28

This appears to have quite an interesting career! Rebuilt (possibly from a single deck vehicle) in 1961 and fitted with an Alexander body, H35/32R by the Scottish operator, Alexander, and allocated fleet number RB245, registration RMS 477, one of 17 such rebuilds. Alexander reclassified it as a Leyland Titan PD3/3C. It is listed in various places as originally being either a Leyland PS1 or an OPS2/1. It did enter preservation in the UK, and was used in Geneva as a homeless shelter and, in later years, a cafe.

(245'986) - Globe-Limo, Genève - Nr. 2084/GE 963'357 - Mercedes am 9. Februar 2023 in Genève, Aéroport
(245'986) - Globe-Limo, Genève - Nr. 2084/GE 963'357 - Mercedes am 9. Februar 2023 in Genève, Aéroport
Markus Doyon

(245'985) - TPG Genève - Nr. 533/GE 960'595 - Mercedes am 9. Februar 2023 in Genève, Aéroport
(245'985) - TPG Genève - Nr. 533/GE 960'595 - Mercedes am 9. Februar 2023 in Genève, Aéroport
Markus Doyon

(245'984) - TPG Genève - Nr. 533/GE 960'595 - Mercedes am 9. Februar 2023 in Genève, Aéroport
(245'984) - TPG Genève - Nr. 533/GE 960'595 - Mercedes am 9. Februar 2023 in Genève, Aéroport
Markus Doyon

(245'983) - Globe-Limo, Genève - Nr. 2004/GE 961'746 - Mercedes am 9. Februar 2023 in Genève, Aéroport
(245'983) - Globe-Limo, Genève - Nr. 2004/GE 961'746 - Mercedes am 9. Februar 2023 in Genève, Aéroport
Markus Doyon

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